In the 70s, an enterprising young businessman named Yoshida owned a popular education company in Tokyo. Believing knowledge is the key to enlightenment, Yoshida was naturally curious about the world beyond Japan, so he packed up and travelled to Europe. In Spain, he met an olive farmer whose family had been producing the highest grade of organic oil available for more than 200 years. Immediately he made the connection between traditional Japanese herbology and the antioxidant properties of olive oil, and a new skincare philosophy was born.
Today, as one of the world’s top health and beauty brands, DHC remains a radically different kind of skincare company. The DHC labs in Tokyo continually disrupt the Japanese beauty industry with innovative formulas, many never seen before in the Western marketplace. And with an executive leadership comprised primarily of women, DHC shatters the cultural norms of the typical Japanese company.
DHC Facial Scrub 100g
DHC Facial Scrub 100g
Help keep your skin's renewal process on track by removing dead skin cells.
Finely milled rounded apricot seed granules have been infused into the creamy.
Moisturising formula to leave skin fresh brightened and smoothed.
Suitable for use 1-2 times per week. Before cleansing.
DHC Lip Cream 1.5g
DHC Lip Cream 1.5g
Smooth veil protects the lips.
Mixing olive Virgin oil.
Assign one long wet.
Treatment moisturizing ingredients.
Olive Virgin oil, Aloe and licorice root derivative.
Vitamin E.